Alexander: “We’re trying not to like you.”
Me: “How’s that going for you?” (Laughing)
Alexander: “Not well. Why do we like you so much?” (Laughing)
Me: “Well, I like you!”
So, that sounds like the absolute silliest conversation you’ve ever heard, right? It gets even more absurd when I tell you that it was with three of the most highly trained, most highly skilled negotiators in a large global corporation that has over 100,000 people.
They put three top negotiators up against me. They heard that we don’t give discounts. Their Procurement Division found that utterly unacceptable because they always demand deep discounts. So they put three of their best people on the call to negotiate a discount with me.
They were serious, rough, tough, brutal, cold. I would describe them as even vicious. I didn’t know people could get so mean and demanding.
Then, 20 minutes into the call, the above conversation happened.