The Skills and knowledge you need if you want to be an effective world-class communicator and leader
Thousands of people have walked through our doors to learn how to be exceptional.
Set your expectations high.
Causative Communication®
Causative [kaw’-zuh-tiv], adjective: Making what you want HAPPEN. Being able to cause your intended effect or outcome at will.
Causative Communication means the ability to make what you want happen. And the only hope of that, especially in difficult or challenging situations, is your ability to communicate effectively and direct the conversation to the outcome you intend.
Most people, even successful ones, have skill levels that get them by, but they’re not extraordinary.
That’s why even the most skilled communicators take this training. They have a purpose you might have: To take your skills to such an extraordinary level, that you are able to navigate life’s complexities to create spectacular outcomes. Not good, spectacular.
You’ll learn that there’s a precise process, a formula if you will, that transforms talking into powerful communication. That if you violate this process, something people do all the time and unknowingly, you won’t get the exact outcome you want. But if you follow the process exactly, you’ll surprise even yourself with a spectacular outcome every single time.
We’ve never seen the process not work. We have a living laboratory here where we are able to follow up with graduates after the training to see what happens in their lives.
We know it works because we’re swimming in client success stories. They’ve gained respect from senior executives who are now coming to them for advice, they got the promotion, resistance and conflict evaporated, they transformed relationships, dramatically uplifted their teams, everyone is listening, their vision is spreading throughout the organization, they closed the $400 million deal, and their teenager’s now talking to them.
We’re used to amazing results. Here at ETS we call it, “Miracles as usual.”
However, the process we teach requires a high degree of skill. These skills need to be mastered, you can’t just read about them. That’s where training comes in.
First you learn the skills, then you practice them while you’re being expertly coached until you can execute on all them. You’ll learn the skills one at a time, and then you learn how to weave them all together to navigate the complexities of challenging conversations, meetings and negotiations.
Then you go back into your real world and put your new abilities into play. You’ll see spectacular results. And we are there to give you support for any difficulties or challenges you run into until you are sure you can be successful in any situation.
That’s what we do. We teach you the answers to questions you’ve had all your life. We help you achieve your goals in ways you wouldn’t expect.
The only thing you have to do is show up so we can help you learn what these spectacular communication skills are, help you master them and then help you successfully apply them to your goals and your life.
Causative Communication is for people who are serious about becoming a world-class communicator.
If this resonates with you, but you’re not sure, I suggest you subscribe to our weekly article (below). Learn more about what we’re about and you’ll know whether this training is right for you.
If you are ready to see dramatic changes and transform your life, it’s time to make it happen. Contact us to schedule.
Keep reading if you’re interested in knowing more about this training before you decide ….
Communication Skills Everyone Wants but Very Few Ever master
To expand even further, this is a skill set that enables you to transform any situation to create the exact outcome you want.
This skill set isn't something you're going to learn from trial & error, reading a book, watching videos or analyzing what other people are doing. Frankly, most people never acquire these abilities.
That's what makes this workshop special.
How Will You Be Different After Attending CAUSATIVE COMMUNICATION LIVE?
Expect rapid transformation in the results you produce when interacting with other people. Here is a short list of the abilities you’ll gain:
A powerful presence. Many call it “executive presence.” Everyone responds to you differently when you have it.
You'll stop all the "mental noise" that keeps you from being calm and in the moment. You'll experience tremendous relief when worry and anxiety are gone and you are able to face life with a sense of well-being. As a result, people around you will find their own "mental noise" calms down. Your presence alone will cause others to get calm and focused when you walk in the room. People really notice this, that they feel good around you.
You'll communicate with a superior level of intention. Most people have never developed the skill of communicating with real intention and so they substitute effort, force and excess energy. All these strip you of poise. And they don’t work. Intention has everything to do with certainty and nothing to do with being forceful. Make no mistake, what you see when someone has executive presence, when you see a powerful leader, it is not an intensity of energy, it's an intensity of intention. The energy is incidental. Successful powerful leaders are not aggressive or forceful, but they speak (sometimes even softly) with unmistakable intention. Intention commands attention and understanding. This world class level of communication penetrates, inspires, makes things happen. Intention is a core concept in Causative Communication. It creates true leadership communication. Even when you’re talking to your boss or your boss’ boss. A vital skill for saying it once and seeing it make an impact and HAPPEN.
The ability to 100% tune in to the other person. As someone wrote after his boss did this training: “I love him! I get 100% of his focus. I feel fantastic talking to him. He’s not rushed. I feel like an eternity has gone by, I hang up the phone and realize it was only a 12-minute conversation. WOW!”
The ability to make a deep, strong connection with anyone. If you don't have that powerful connection, that strong rapport, your words just bounce off. When you have that connection your words penetrate and create a completely different impact. Clients tell us all the time, “I said the exact same words, but this time they listened.” Every amazing outcome is built on the foundation of a deep human connection. Despite what you’ve been told, you can build this connection in a matter of minutes with anyone if you know how. You'll know how. When you do this, trust grows rapidly. Trust is the basis of the real, solid cooperation you’ll need.
Your communication will have complete clarity. It will be compelling.
A level of listening that gets noticed. People have not been taught how to listen and there's a tremendous amount of pretended listening in this world. People are thinking when they should be listening. All thinking gets in the way of listening. When you're really listening, you're not thinking, not at all - you're listening. It takes work to develop this ability to truly listen. Most people hear a little, think they heard it all and have an urge to interrupt. Most people, when they first start on our training exercise where you learn how to really listen, don't even make it to the 30-second mark. Even less if their buttons are getting pushed. You'll practice until you can do it effortlessly. Being an extraordinary listener is one of the most valued traits in the WORLD, especially in leaders. You'll listen with a level of skill people will notice. You'll listen with a level of skill that makes people change as they're talking.
The ability to make push-back, conflict and resistance evaporate. If you encounter any push-back, this is important. If you create change or try to influence others, this is important. If you have kids, this is important.
The the ability to achieve perfect understanding. This is rather profound. People who come to us find it eye-opening when they discover how imperfectly they have been being understood. They had no idea. Most people don’t fully realize that incomplete or flawed understanding is so often the real root cause why they’re not getting what they want. Imperfect understanding is the foundation for disagreement. Perfect understanding is not easily achieved. It takes skill to achieve it rapidly. And funny enough, when people perfectly understand you, they can’t help it, they start to go into agreement with you. It happens very naturally, effortlessly, organically. Being perfectly understood is the basis for REAL forward progress, REAL breakthroughs.
The ability to influence others in a way that everyone wins. You’ll gain a powerful, non-manipulative, authentic ability to communicate to make any conversation, meeting, negotiation, turn out in a way that fully satisfies you. And also makes the other person happy. This includes getting the exact outcome you want. This is the essence of being Causative. It's magic.
training that Creates Profound Results
Perhaps you can see why we love what we do. We love seeing the magic happen. It never gets old, it always astounds. We've helped thousands of people. We've worked with every profession, every level from individual contributors to engineers to sales to CEO's. We’ve helped many directors get promoted to VP. We've helped with every goal you can imagine.
These skills work magic in our own lives, every single day. We see the proof ourselves and every day we see even more proof of their effectiveness in the emails we receive from clients telling us of their successes. We even read stories of our clients’ successes in the pages of the Wall Street Journal. When you see as much success as we do, you get pretty excited about going to work each day. We love helping people like you.
What Is the value OF having great ability?
When you have this level of communication skill, you enter a world where the impossible becomes not only possible, but commonplace. This is a world where there are no obstacles standing between you and what you truly want to achieve. Every door that is now closed to you will open.
Your ability to communicate causatively DEFINES EVERYTHING in your professional and personal life, your career, your relationships, your wealth and your happiness. Lack of it limits you. Having it gives you freedom and success.
Most people have absolutely no idea how great they can become as a communicator, so they settle for a very low level of expertise, which gives them lives that are ordinary.
I know that with outstanding communication you can have a life of exhilaration, joy, a life that is thrilling. Most people would not call their day-to-day life thrilling. But it can be. If you have the right set of communication skills.
Causative Communication is the foundation for every conversation you have, every meeting, every negotiation, every relationship, every outcome … every time you have a goal.
this training is The most direct and effective way to achieve more at every level of your life and work.
Our 3-day Causative Communication Live! workshop is the most effective way to gain this COMPLETE communication skill set - and be good at it in only a matter of days.
The workshop is a combination of:
Eye-opening data about the science of causative communication and how to create amazing relationships and outcomes. We have clients who have previously attended many programs, including expensive executive level programs. "Eye opening" is the most frequent term they use to describe the lectures during this workshop. They all tell us they learned things here they've NEVER seen anywhere else.
Intensive, expert coaching while you practice and master these skills. The amount of practice you'll experience truly is beyond anything you've experienced before. The precision, expert coaching you will receive will surprise you. It will enable you to achieve mastery while being 100% true to your own style. You'll experience more change in every 10 minutes of coaching than you've seen in years.
Videotaping tremendously increases your self-awareness and is not only an extremely effective coaching tool, but seeing your transformation in your "before" and "after" videos will blow you away. You'll have solid confidence you can execute on these skills after the workshop. Most people watching their final video exclaim, “I had no idea I could look so good.”
While we will follow the Causative Communication framework throughout the workshop, the training will be delivered in a way that is very personalized to you. We’re meticulous about making sure you achieve all your goals. You’ll be challenged. You’ll grow.
And you'll go back into your world with abilities you never even knew existed. The impact on your career, and your personal life, will be extraordinary.
Your investment in yourself will provide a return for the rest of your life
Imagine transforming any situation at will. What you just imagined can become reality. We will help you get there.
3-day Workshop
At the moment this program is only offered at our Training Center in Emeryville, CA. It’s for small groups of no more than six, so it’s also very personal. Price starts at $30,000.
If you are interested in Premier 1-on-1 Coaching on this topic, contact us!
Register Now!
a few client comments:
“I stand out in a crowd of people. You know, if there is a gathering of 100 executives, I stand out because of these skills. This is such a rare trait for anyone to have.”
““What used to take me 30 minutes to convince someone is now taking me 3.”
“Most outstanding and revealing workshop. I was thrilled with myself by the end of it.”
“An overnight transformation of my communication style, presence, ability to effectively get the outcome I wanted and the confidence I now use in my day to day conversations.”
““I can create magic on demand. This training is a must for everyone who wants to raise their game and desires to be an effective communicator. This is the best training I have ever taken hands down. I have the tools and knowledge to be an effective leader, coach and communicator. I feel like I see the world with clarity and wish I could have taken the course earlier in my career. Strongly recommend that everyone take this course.””
“I am in control of all conversations or interactions. Others say that I influence effectively through my communication style. This training has made me capable of handling any communication with anyone to get the outcome I want.”
“I progressed more in 2 days than I did in my 17 year professional career.”
“Very rarely do you go to workshops or trainings and come out feeling as I did, so exhilarated and full of energy. I was able to use what you taught in customer meetings I have been in yesterday and today. It was fantastic. I saw people open up so much and share so much information that it was fantastic!”
“I am convinced that the skills I learned in your class have been the biggest factors in changing the trajectory of my career. The last 2 years since the workshop have been truly incredible. It is heady stuff and very exciting. Thank you again for equipping me to take advantage of these opportunities. I am immeasurably grateful for these skills. They work in all situations, both at work and at home.”
“Since the training, I experience the power of FULLY connecting with another human being and it has created the most magical experiences at work and in my personal life.””
“I just finished an afternoon of tough negotiations and finally at 5pm, they signed the contract. I cannot describe the joy I felt. At the risk of downplaying the tremendous hard work of my team, I feel safe in sharing with you my belief that I was amazing throughout the day. Everyone looked at me for guiding the conversation and everyone trusted me. I was honest, I was empathetic, I was determined, I was focused on a win-win. And that is what we got.”