In a virtual presentation, there’s a huge barrier in that you can’t see the audience. You’re operating with no data about their reaction to you.
It takes work at the beginning to continue to use these skills after the Communication training when you’re living in a world that doesn’t have them. The payoff is an exhilarating life. It’s always amazing how others change when you do the training and speak to them as a causative communicator. You create transformation. The power truly is always in your hands.
Leonard was making the mistake of delivering a “stream of consciousness” type of presentation that followed his logic of “Let me start at the beginning and tell you everything”. This is a common approach for people below senior levels. It does not follow what I call “Executive Logic”.
What was missing from Leonard’s presentation was…
This week I have a lovely and talented co-author for my article. Evelyn transformed her life with one well-communicated sentence. She contacted me 7 years ago because she wanted to get promoted to VP and requested Executive Coaching to help her get there. I knew she was doing well since that time and was very pleasantly surprised to receive an email from her a couple weeks ago.
The Communication Formula puts the ability to create extraordinary outcomes under your control. It gives you a set of skills and a process to follow that allow you to do the “impossible.”
What Victor discovered is accessible to everyone. Even the most difficult situations can be completely transformed when you know how.
People get so wrapped up in looking good and trying to be impressive, in trying to overwhelm in an effort to be convincing, that they forget that what you’re REALLY doing is getting a message across that you want people to understand and even act on.
People come to me for coaching with goals that sound like, “I want to be impressive”. No one comes to me and says, “I want to be understood”. Yet, this second goal is the one which has true power.
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